What is being dead? Some thoughts on dying one day.

Today, my mortality hit me. There are things in this world that are entirely inconsolable to me. Things that I will never understand no matter how many hours I spend pondering upon them. It seems this brain of mine just isn’t built to accept them. I think on them, and my brain overheats. It breaks … Continue reading What is being dead? Some thoughts on dying one day.

Do I overthink?

“You overthink things Jay” they say. You waste too much time analysing. Tearing things apart with your scrutiny. You think too much. But what is too much exactly? What is overthinking? How can that possible? We’re taught from when we are very young that we should always think about our actions before enacting them, but … Continue reading Do I overthink?

To be a Quitter – A miserable existence.

Ah, to be a “quitter”. A life I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. The smallest tasks and simplest commitments become treacherous journeys and insurmountable hurdles. You run from anything that begins to press upon your mind, you start to undo or unravel any responsibilities you have towards it so that you can escape the burden you … Continue reading To be a Quitter – A miserable existence.